[ardour-dev] editing

Mirouf Linux mirouflinuxaudio at yahoo.fr
Wed Jun 9 15:50:14 PDT 2004

 --- Marek Peteraj <marpet at naex.sk> a écrit : > 
> > 
> > -If we want to move a region while keeping
> > synchronization (shift+click), and the region is
> > selected, we have to unselect it before, which is
> a
> > bit  boring.
> Ah you mean, you have one region selected and you
> shift-click on another
> one but want to move it immidiatelly?

If you do it, you would select the two regions, but
they wouldn't keep any time synchronization, cause you
've got to have no region selected and then
shift-click on one to move it (a bit difficult to
explain for me)

I'm not sur you can select more than one region and
move them with keeping time synchronisation.
It would be great for editing

> Probably not, but that'd be neat too.
> Marek


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