[ardour-dev] editing
Mirouf Linux
mirouflinuxaudio at yahoo.fr
Wed Jun 9 14:08:51 PDT 2004
We used Ardour (GTK 0.502 and libardour 0.802) for a
24 tracks recording session one month ago, and it
worked (almost) pretty fine.
We started to edit the session tonight, and a few
suggestions for you came to our minds. Now, we use
Ardour GTK 0.514.5 with libardour 0.814.2.
-The edit groups didn't work for us, either to move
clips or to edit fades on two synchronized clips at
the same time.
-Every time we modified a region, like trim it, Ardour
created a new region in the Region/name window,
which makes too many clips to handle in one session.
-If a region is on a layer above another, and we
right-click on it, only the crossfade menu pops up
, and we can't use the region editing menu.
-If we want to move a region while keeping
synchronization (shift+click), and the region is
selected, we have to unselect it before, which is a
bit boring.
-It would be very handy to have one region editor
window at a time, which would shift from region to
region when you select another one (it could be an
option in the region editor window: lock the window on
one region or allow shifting).
-Maybe it's not a priority at the moment, but we had
to reinstall all the system in english (it was in
french before), so that Ardour could save the faders'
positions. (the story of "." and ","...).
-We also had a wave file which cannot be opened, even
using the ReZound trick. The Ardour session with the
corrupted file doesn't open at all. Will it be
possible in the next releases of Ardour to skip an
audio file while opening a session?
We send you big kisses from France, and we give you
back your president for the summer ;-)
Djo and Mirouf
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