<div>Hi folks,</div><div>š</div><div>actually I am testing a few DAW's before I decide which one I'll use...</div><div>Ardour seems to be quite interesting...</div><div>However, several questions arise....</div><div>š</div><div>- if I connect Audicious via JACK to Ardour I can't get any Output to the Master-Channel.</div><div>I can get a signalflow to the first Input-Chanel but that's, I can't route it to the Master and from there out to</div><div>the Speakers.</div><div>š</div><div>- if I use Audacity it looks a little bit better and I can accomplish some output at the Master and so to the Speakers. Anyway there is still no possible way with this approach:</div><div>š</div><div>Audacity/ Audacious -> JACK -> Ardour -> Loudpseaker</div><div>š</div><div>Inside JACK:</div><div>š</div><div>Audacity/ Audacious -> Ardour Audio1/in -> Ardour Audio1/out -> Ardour Master/in -> Ardour Master/out -> System Speaker</div><div>š</div><div>š</div><div>All progs are configured correct with respect to coding (JACK).</div><div>It appears to me that at least audacity always tries to use pre-configured routes as well.</div><div>š</div><div>Actually very far from home I just use a simple System with an older Ubuntu-Version (12.04) and Intel Atom and 'just' 2GB RAM.</div><div>š</div><div>š</div><div>Any suggestions?</div><div>š</div><div>š</div><div>Greets</div><div>š</div><div>Gee</div>