<div dir="ltr">I'm wondering if by any random chance, someone has had this issue (or something similar):<br><br>I was able, using Jack, etc., to connect the output of IRCAM Audiosculpt into Ardour to record. When I play a soundfile in Audiosculpt, it will record into Ardour. Well, that's not too useful. However, In Audiosculpt, you can use a scrubber, and I'd really like to improvise with the scrubber, and record the improvisation. But for some odd reason, the audio from scrubbing refuses to be captured from AudioSculpt, even though playing a soundfile IS captured.<br>
<br>(FYI: yes I know, Ardour itself has a scrubber. I like it, although it's of a different character than the Audiosculpt one, as far as I can tell. It would seem even more complicated though, if I wanted to record myself scrubbing in Ardour, and record that into Ardour . . . still, I'd be curious if anyone has any ideas on how to do this.)<br>
<br>If anyone has any advice or something to try, let me know.<br>
<br>C Bailey<br><br>