I'll freely admit i'm EXTREMELY new to ardour, jack, and recording in general. But ive read most of the (sparse) documentation. Much went over my head. <br>I have a M-Audio Delta 44. <br>Bass going Mono into In-1.<br>
Drums from a laptop stereo to In-4<br>Jack is connected thusly:<br>alsa_pcm capture 1 -> ardour Bass/In 1<br>alsa_pcm capture 2 -> ardour Bass/In 2<br>alsa_pcm capture 1 -> ardour Master/In 1<br>alsa_pcm capture 2 -> ardour Master/In 2
<br>alsa_pcm capture 3 -> ardour Drum Track/ In 1 *not sure why this is here*<br>alsa_pcm capture 4 -> ardour Drum Track/ In 2<br><br>all ardour out 1s (auditioner, bass,click,Drum Track,Master) to asla_pcm playback 1
<br>all ardour out 2s (auditioner, bass,click,Drum Track,Master) to asla_pcm playback 2<br><br><br>When I am monitoring, averything is fine.<br>when I record on "Drum Track" that track records, etc<br>When I record to "Bass" The Bass audio moves to the left channel only and I can't hear the "Drum Track" playback.
<br><br>How do I split Bass to record in stereo?<br>How do I listen to track 1 while recording track 2?<br><br>Hope I explained it well. <br>