<DIV>Hello, I am making a decision about a new soundcard, but first I wanted to ask a question or two. First, when I see that the Delta 1010 is supported and works well in linux, does that mean all 1010's, just the 1010, or just the 1010lt? I only ask because the list on the alsa website is definitive about the lt, but not about the full 1010. Also, I have heard that the mixer is something called envy24, and it is part of alsa, but the M-Audio site links to a website for linux drivers that are not part of alsa, they are OSS. Is there anything special that I need to know about how to install or settup this card, or will the drivers and software just be installed when I install the operating system? (currently the plan is it will be fedora core 3)</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks in advance</DIV><p>
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