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<font face="Arial">Hello<br>
I try to use Ardour, using qjackit.<br>
I run Jackd but i have this error while loading ardour on the log
[ERROR]: cannot activate JACK client<br>
This is after have created a new session.<br>
I never could use it, if i add audio pist, this crashes<br>
This is outupu generated:<br>
[metal3d@portablepfe songs]$ ardour<br>
Ardour/GTK0.446.0 fonctionnant avec libardour 0.724.0<br>
The font "-*-courier-bold-r-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" does not support all
the required character sets for the current locale "fr_FR"<br>
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15")<br>
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15")<br>
Loading UI configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour_ui.rc<br>
The font "-*-charter-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*" does not support all
the required character sets for the current locale "fr_FR"<br>
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15")<br>
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15")<br>
The font "-*-charter-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*" does not support all
the required character sets for the current locale "fr_FR"<br>
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15")<br>
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15")<br>
Loading system configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour_system.rc<br>
Loading user configuration file /home/metal3d/.ardour/ardour.rc<br>
MIDI: MTC on port hw:0 MMC on port hw:0<br>
ardour: [ERROR]: MIDI: no such port device<br>
ardour: [WARNING]: MMC MIDI port "hw:0" not available: no MMC control
Loading session /home/metal3d/soundtracker/songs/ardour using snapshot
ardour: [WARNING]: Session: XML state has no click section<br>
cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Operation not permitted)<br>
[metal3d@portablepfe songs]$<br>
Thanks all<br>