[Ardour-Users] Ardour main branch becomes unstable: warning!

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Fri Aug 13 15:51:37 PDT 2021

Today, we merged the long-lived nutempo2 development branch into the main
branch of Ardour. This means that starting in a few hours from now, the
nightly (really, nychthemeral) builds will be based on what is essentially
still experimental, untested, unreliable code. We have tagged this as
7.0-pre0. This version of Ardour uses a new format for the session file
(still XML but with some critical changes).

A pop-up window will warn you about this should you try to run this
version. It will also make a safety backup of the session file.

However, you are *strongly recommended* to *NOT USE nightly builds OR SELF
BUILDS of the main branch for “actual work” for the foreseeable future.*

At this time, we are not particularly interested in reports of issues with
7.0-pre0. We will let people know when that situation changes.

This is a major step forward for Ardour, but it will take us some time to
finish the changes and begin more serious testing.
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