[Ardour-Users] Importing huge wave fils

Chris Caudle chris at chriscaudle.org
Sat Apr 18 17:54:45 PDT 2020

On Sat, April 18, 2020 7:37 pm, DuWayne Holsbeck wrote:
> The problem I am having is the multitrac recording is written to 8 4G
> wave files per SD chip. After stewing on it for a while I found that 4G
> is the file size limit on a VFat partition.

4GB is also the size limit for the original wav file format. There is a
newer 64 bit wave file format which can handle large files.

If you are using SoX to concatenate, try using .w64 for the output file
extension, that should trigger SoX to use 64 bit wav format.

sndfile-concat may also do what you want, you could give that a try.

Chris Caudle

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