[Ardour-Users] Scarlett 2i2 ver 3 - audio from ardour stops, other sources have no problems

m.eik michalke m at reaktanz.de
Fri Apr 10 14:49:37 PDT 2020

hi mark,

Am Freitag, 10. April 2020, 18:41:50 CEST schrieb Mark Knecht:
> I didn't get the chance to try m.eik's hwe-18.04 path as I had already
> moved to 19.10. I'm creating a Kubuntu 18.04 LTS VM just to learn the
> commands

have a look at https://www.osboxes.org -- they offer a ton of ready-to-go VM 
images of various linux distributions for both virtualbox and VMware.

in case you would also try this with windows, check out the images that 
microsoft offers for developers:


you get a VM running windows 10 that's fully functional for 90 days.

> However at this point it doesn't look like I need more than the standard
> kernel.

the hardware enablement stack for ubuntu's LTS releases is the standard kernel 
and officially provided/supported by canonical. they're backporting kernels 
and video drivers shortly after a new stable release of ubuntu is done, so 
you're not stuck with a kernel that's five years old. once you installed the 
HWE packages and the next major kernel upgrade takes place, you'll get that 
automatically through normal package upgrades. i think i went through 4.15, 
4.18, 5.0 and now to 5.3 with all my 18.04 systems.

viele grüße :: m.eik

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::.       ..    ..::  dipl. psych. : : m.eik michalke  ::..    ..  ..  .::
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:..  https://reaktanz.de ...  http://angstalt.de  ...  https://C3S.cc  ..:
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