[Ardour-Users] Ardour 4.6.0 built from source

Klaumi Klingsporn klaumikli at gmx.de
Sat Feb 6 14:34:26 PST 2016

Am / On Sat, 6 Feb 2016 23:12:39 +0100
schrieb / wrote Ingo Strüwing <Ingo.Struewing at web.de>:

> I downloaded the source package and built it on Ubuntu 15.10. I
> followed the build instructions up to "./ardev".
> The program calls itself Ardour 4.5.3 (built from revision
> 4.5-3-gcf6a3af) and tells me, that version 4.6 has been released. Is
> this expected? (A clone from git, and checkout from tag 4.6 results
> in 4.6.0)
> The program has less localized messages than the Ubuntu package. Is
> there something, I can do, to improve this? (I copied the locale
> files over from a demo version, which seemed to be a success on the
> first glance, but it is probably not a safe bet.)

It's not really an answer to your questions, but if you tried to
compile ardour by yourself only because the version in Ubuntu 15.10 is
very (better: too) old, you can also use my backport of the
Debian-testing packages of ardour 4.6 for Debian-jessie/stable, which
should also work on Ubuntu 15.10. You can find them at:



Klaus-Michael Klingsporn 
phone: +49-30-9445363
mail: klaumikli at gmx.de
web: www.klaumikli.de

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