[Ardour-Users] increasing tempo

m.eik michalke m at openmusiccontest.org
Tue Nov 10 02:59:14 PST 2015

Am Montag, 9. November 2015, 08:23:02 schrieb Kevin Cosgrove:
> In the past I used Rosegarden to generate ramped tempo click tracks, 
> imported that audio into Ardour, and ignored the bar markers in Ardour
> for those songs.  That worked fine for me.

thanks for the suggestion.

we need this rarely, but some of our pieces (especially the ones >7min) have 
three or four different tempi, and sometimes the change has to be gradually 
and not abruptly. sometimes it's just the last few beats where we slow down 
noticeably, sometimes a slow build-up to the next part.

would be great to have this natively implemented. having a fixed click track 
is a bit inflexible, e.g. if we want to try just a bit slower or faster to 
check how it feels.

viele grüße :: m.eik

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