[Ardour-Users] Ardour business continuity

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Fri Jul 4 14:53:36 PDT 2014

On 07/04/2014 11:21 PM, Stephan Neuhaus wrote:
>> Everything about Ardour's development is out in the open. So there are no
>> secrets that I carry around. Several other developers have long-term and
>> deep knowledge of the code. Anyone could build a source release of Ardour,
>> and binary releases (while a bit more complex) are already available from
>> most Linux repositories without any involvement from me.
> That's what's great about open source development!

indeed. I'm not too worried about development and releases per se. Most
design decisions are already taken by a group of people and discussed on
IRC. Also, while ardour-dev is still understaffed, there are quite a few
people regularly working on the code. Paul's contributions can never be
underestimated but it's not a one-man-show.

I'd be more worried about the overall representation. I don't know
anyone who provides better support on IRC, the web-forum and various
email-lists at the same time while writing code and overseeing
development. Paul is doing an amazing job!


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