[Ardour-Users] Ardour 3 - export bugs

Wayne DePrince Jr. waynedpj at in-giro.org
Thu Jul 3 17:50:10 PDT 2014

On gio, 2014-07-03 at 20:00 -0400, Paul Davis wrote: 

> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Wayne DePrince Jr.
> <waynedpj at in-giro.org> wrote:
>             +1.  i also was involved in some discussion about this on
>         IRC and agree with Seablade, Kim, etc.: i would greatly
>         appreciate an option which allows Ardour to create an auto
>         xfade ala A2, even if it does not track changes to the
>         involved regions and update the xfade (i.e. there is no XFADE
>         object).  this is a handy feature for quick prototypes that
>         could default to off in standard A3.  in this situation, i
>         assume that removing the
>         overlap and redoing it would recreate the xfade anew?
> i would try to ensure that it did, yes.

then that could be an easy way to "adjust/redo" the xfade w/o the
complication of tracking an XFADE object: simple remove the overlap and
recreate it to get the xfade at a new length.  as the others said, it is
not a show stopper but i still find myself missing it even after using
A3 for all this time.  either way, thanks as always for your work and

peace, w

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