[Ardour-Users] Linuxsampler plugin in Ardour3

Leigh Dyer lsd at wootangent.net
Tue Jan 8 23:22:57 PST 2013

On 08/01/13 09:29, Paul Davis wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Robin Gareus <robin at gareus.org
> <mailto:robin at gareus.org>> wrote:
>     On 01/07/2013 11:06 PM, Edward Diehl wrote:
>      > I have questions about using the linuxsampler LV2 plugin on a midi
>      > track Ardour3 (SVN 13736).  Ardour3 thinks that the track has 32
>      > channels, rather than 2 which is what I expected.
>     According to LS devs, this is not a bug, but a feature of linuxsampler:
>     https://bugs.linuxsampler.org/cgi-bin/show_bug.cgi?id=188
> and according to ardour devs, it is an LS "bug" :) its stupid. people
> don't use MIDI tracks to drive 16 different instruments. this is just dumb.

I can see one potential use-case: having a single MIDI drum track that 
drives several layered drum instruments, with each drum going to its own 
pair of outputs. In the past, I've simply used a separate MIDI track for 
the snare, kick, hi-hat, etc. so that I can process their audio output 
separately, but I can see how it'd be preferable to have the MIDI all on 
one channel while keeping the audio for each drum separate.

I'm not sure how you'd actually set that up in Linuxsampler, though -- I 
think you'd need to have separate instruments (ie: separate GIG or SFZ 
files) for each drum within a kit, and then load them all on to the one 
plugin instance, all configured to respond to the one MIDI input but 
output to separate audio channels. The Salamander Drumkit has such 
per-drum SFZ files, but I don't know of any other kits that do.

However, I think you could achieve the same thing by loading those kits 
on to separate MIDI tracks within Ardour, putting your drums all on one 
other, separate track, and routing that track's MIDI output to the MIDI 
inputs on those other tracks.


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