[Ardour-Users] Some retro doom metal for Halloween

Carlos sanchiavedraz csanchezgs at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 01:00:33 PST 2012

2012/10/31 Brett McCoy <idragosani at gmail.com>:
> A doom metal tune with a retro feel that a buddy and I worked up for
> Halloween -- sequenced and recorded in Ardour 3b5*, mixing and final
> mastering done with MixBus 2.2 with Jamin + LinuxDSP plugins (and some
> experimenting with the new "Essentials" plugins for MixBus)
> https://soundcloud.com/brett-mccoy/alhazred-dead-before-dawn
> *vocals & bass were recorded on a Mac with GarageBand
> --
> Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.brettwmccoy.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> it would overturn the world."
>     -- Jelaleddin Rumi
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Hello Brett.

Interesting intro with those reverse voices and a that theme with
guitars, a nice mix and good metal overall.

I would suggest to check the levels on cymbals - maybe try to compress
them to have a consistent volume (there is one or two in particular
that you can hear clearly every time it's crashed over the rest of the

Thanks for sharing.

Carlos sanchiavedraz
* Musix GNU+Linux

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