[Ardour-Users] input monitoring

Wayne wayne at in-giro.org
Fri Jan 13 12:53:19 PST 2012

Il giorno ven, 13/01/2012 alle 15.33 -0500, Paul Davis ha scritto:

> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Wayne <wayne at in-giro.org> wrote:
>         Il giorno mar, 10/01/2012 alle 14.29 +0100, David Adler ha
>         scritto: 
>         > On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Wayne wrote:
>         > ...
>         > >     but one thing to keep in mind that may be an issue:
>         > buses have no latency compensation.  if u put the plugins
>         > for the logical track on the bus like i do, you may hear
>         > some latency that you will need to adjust manually (right
>         > click on region, region-name->Nudge->move backward by
>         > capture offset).  again, not a big deal, but something to be
>         > aware of.
>         > >
>         > Thanks Wayne, I'll consider that, when arrived at that
>         > point.
>         > It's not entirely clear to me what 'latency' is in this
>         > context -
>         > is it latency a bus with plugins introduces wrt. a bus
>         > without
>         > plugins?
>             the bus latency issue confuses me too, but i have seen
>         some odd latency showing up in places when i use a bus in my
>         "logical track" setup .. or more likely the latency is always
>         there, but i only notice it sometimes ;)
> a bus only has latency if it is running plugins that add latency
> (typically things like reverb, FFT-based EQ, and so on). the signal
> flowing through the bus will be delayed relative to the signal not
> flowing through the bus. 
> if this was done in a track, we would delay all the other tracks so
> that the signals all stay perfectly in sync. but when it happens in a
> bus, ardour currently does nothing to correct the delay.

    thanks for the explanation.  so in my "logical" track setup (1
logical track is made up of 2 tracks routed to 1 bus which has the
plugins), all audio is going through the bus is randomly delayed per
bus.  i guess replacing these buses by a track would be a workaround
until bus latency is factored into latency correction?

peace, w


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