[Ardour-Users] Help wanted to export Ardour session

Nando nandinga at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 08:58:22 PDT 2011

Hi Pierre,

I think you wanted to write to the whole mailing list, and not only me (as
you did). For that, it is better to start a new thread, so replies to each
issue doesn't mix, so I've copied this message to the list with a new

To help you a bit, if you go to the menu Session > Expport > Export audio
files... you'll get a dialog that lets you export the audio, selecting the
format of the audio files, and by clicking "Advanced", selecting the tracks
to include and the time range.

Ardour is not that different from any of the other DAWs in the market, so if
you don't succeed, your friend will probably be able to export the tracks.

Good luck!!

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Pierre GARCIA <info at agencedelagare.com>wrote:

>    <http://www.myspace.com/zykatok1>****
> ** **
> (I’m sorry, I know my post have not relation with your post but pearheaps
> you could help me / thank you)****
> Bonjour.****
> Mon message a quelque chose d’un peu particulier.****
> Je fais partie d’un groupe de musique (voir en-tête) et notre batteur,
> Michel, était un fan de ARDOUR, UBUNTU, LINUX…..****
> Il avait déjà commencé la conversion ( !!!!) de plusieurs membres du groupe
> au système d’exploitation ouvert….****
> Michel travaillait sur ARDOUR et nous avions dernièrement effectué des
> enregistrements (notamment des pistes batterie) en vue de l’enregistrement
> d’un CD auto-produit.****
> Michel est décédé il y a un mois et demi, et nous avons besoin pour pouvoir
> poursuivre son travail de trouver un moyen de migrer les projets
> d’enregistrements en format wave.****
> Nous avons un ami (qui, pour Michel) serait prêt à continuer le projet,
> faire les enregistrements des autres instruments (sax, guitare et
> contrebasse) etc…. Mais pour cela il a besoin de récupérer les projets au
> format wave.****
> Y a t’il un moyen de convertir directement le projet en wave ?****
> Actuellement nous ne savons faire que l’export des pistes une par une (donc
> opération interminable vu le nombre de piste par projet !!!!).****
> José (qui reprend le travail de Michel) n’ayant pas un temps illimité à
> nous consacrer, nous souhaiterions trouver un moyen de pouvoir lui remettre
> les projets de morceaux au bon format au plus vite.****
> Quelqu’un peut-il nous aider ?        ****
> Y a t’il un n° de téléphone, une adresse mail pour ARDOUR où l’on pourrait
> obtenir ces informations ?****
> Ce message est une bouteille à l’amère, si quelqu’un peut nous fournir de
> l’aide ce serait un immense soulagement et une grande satisfaction de se
> dire que Michel n’aura pas fait tout ça pour rien !****
> Merci d’avance.****
> Musicamicalement.****
> ** **
> Pierre de ZYKATOK****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Good morning.
> My message was something a bit special.
> I am part of a band (see header) and our drummer, Michael, was a fan of
> Ardour, UBUNTU LINUX ... ..
> He had already begun the conversion (!!!!) several members of the group in
> open operating system ....
> Michel ARDOUR working on and we had recently made ​​recordings (including
> drum tracks) for recording a self-produced CD.
> Michel died there six weeks, and we need it to continue its work to find a
> way to migrate projects in wave format recordings.
> We have a friend (who, for Michael) would be willing to continue the
> project, to recordings of other instruments (sax, guitar and bass) etc ....
> But for that he needs to get projects in wave format.
> Is there a way to directly convert the project into wave?
> Currently we do not know that the export of the tracks one by one (thus
> ending operation saw the number of tracks per project !!!!).
> José (which incorporates the work of Michel) have not unlimited time to
> spend with us, we would find a way to hand over the project pieces in the
> right format at the earliest.
> Can anyone help?
> Is there a phone number, email address for ARDOUR where we could get this
> information?
> This message is a bottle to the sea, if anyone can provide help it would be
> a huge relief and great satisfaction to say that Michael has not done all
> that for nothing!****
> ** **
> Best regards****
> ** **
> Pierre de ZYKATOK****
> * *
> ** **
>  ------------------------------
> *De :* ardour-users-bounces at lists.ardour.org [mailto:
> ardour-users-bounces at lists.ardour.org] *De la part de* Nando
> *Envoyé :* mardi 20 septembre 2011 16:16
> *À :* ardour-users
> *Objet :* [Ardour-Users] MIDI velocity editing facilities****
> ** **
> Hi people!****
> ** **
> I was writing a feature request in Mantis, but after filling it, thought
> that it should come here first for discussion. Copy&paste follows :)****
> ** **
> *0004324: A3 should have MIDI velocity editing facilities*****
> ** **
> Not sure if it is the time now (on alpha10) but I think this is important:
> ****
> ** **
> It is crucial for a MIDI editor to be flexible about velocity values, in
> order to produce more close-to-reality results.****
> ** **
> MIDI velocity values normally vary not individually but in relation to its
> neighbors e.g. build-ups, accents, rolls, etc. This is why a velocity editor
> should offer the possibility to edit values of groups, as opposed to
> note-by-note editing.****
> ** **
> This is what regular "bar graph velocity editors" allow, when e.g. drawing
> an ascending line to create a build-up, or "humanizing" velocities (randomly
> increasing/decreasing the values for selected notes).****
> ** **
> Several changes are needed for implementing one such editor in A3, but
> there might be other alternatives. I can think of one, and that is working
> with dialogs over selected notes.****
> ** **
> With this approach we could select a bunch of notes, right-click and select
> from the menu:****
> ** **
> - Randomize velocities: Dialog asks the velocity range.****
> - Build-up: Dialog asks min and max velocities, and maybe shape of the
> curve.****
> ** **
> Changing channels (current right-click assignment) is also important for
> expressiveness, so we could leave it as is but with a key modifier.****
> ** **
> Also in the menu we could offer other non velocity related options like the
> following:****
> ** **
> - Humanize (randomizing the position in time of the notes)****
> - Transpose****
> - Quantize****
> - even copy&paste?****
> ** **
> I understand that every one of this options is a feature itself, but they
> don't need to be implemented at once. This approach can give us functional
> flexibility while reducing the development effort. If the need or the will
> to develop a graphical velocity editor of any sort arises later, the
> algorithms could be reused, so only the dialogs would be thrown away.****
> ** **
> This is probably a feature to take into account for the release of A3, that
> will be offering MIDI sequencing capabilities as one of its main
> improvements.****
> ** **
> Cheers!!****
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