[Ardour-Users] Archive media

Nando nandinga at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 07:40:54 PDT 2011

I have a NAS ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network-attached_storage ) built
on a cheap atom board with 3 disk raid5 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID ).
I use it to store everything there, but it could be used only for backup,
remaining off the rest of the time.

Raid5 allows for any one of the disks in the array to fail without data
loss. The disk has to be replaced then in order to maintain the security of
the array, should any other disk be failing. <- was this correct in english?

It doesn't give you fire-proof security as the other solutions, but I find
it confortambe to manage.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Brett McCoy <idragosani at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Noel Darlow <mail at mcgruff.plus.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> >> Right now I am backing up to a portable hard drive and storing in
> >> fireproof safe... but yes, concerned about eventual failure of the
> >> hard drive, unless one were to rotate the backups to multiple
> >> drives...
> >
> > Important data should always exist on at least three separate disks,
> > IMO. It's a big problem with the digital medium which catches people
> > out all the time. We're used to physical things like paper records that
> > can last for hundreds of years whereas a hard disk might only last for
> > five or so. The only safe solution is to have multiple copies.
> Yep, I rsync my "projects" folder (which is its own disk) to another
> disk on the same subnet on a weekly basis, and then do a master backup
> once a month or so to a portable drive which goes into a fireproof
> safe.
> --
> Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.electricminstrel.com
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