[Ardour-Users] Cleaning up unused regions

Wayne wayne at in-giro.org
Wed Oct 5 05:45:04 PDT 2011

Il giorno mer, 05/10/2011 alle 08.40 -0400, Brett McCoy ha scritto: 

> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 8:03 AM, Wayne <wayne at in-giro.org> wrote:
>         > 
>             along the same lines: i have always been looking for a way
>         to remove only the regions that are not associated with any
>         (used or unused) playlist?  it seems like session cleanup will
>         remove all regions not associated with an active region (i.e.
>         regions that are only in unused playlists), as well as the
>         currently unused playlists themselves.  what i am looking for
>         is a way to remove regions that may have been created/etc, but
>         are currently not used by any playlist, selected/active or
>         unused.
>             note that i have tried the "delete unused" option in the
>         region list, but again, it seems to remove regions that are
>         associated with unused playlists.
>             finally, how does cleanup deal with a region that is still
>         referenced in a snapshot, but not in the current session?
> I am pretty sure Session->Cleanup does what you want (it removes all
> regions not in use, including snapshots). 

    thanks for the reply.  i thought so too, but Session->Cleanup asks
about removing regions that are still associated with currently
playlists, as well as asking to delete the currently unused playlists
themselves.  for large sessions, going through a dialog for every
playlist is daunting, and more importantly mistake/error prone.

> -- 
> Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.electricminstrel.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
> it would overturn the world."
>     -- Jelaleddin Rumi

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