[Ardour-Users] what linux audio project do you miss?

Gordon JC Pearce gordonjcp at gjcp.net
Wed Mar 2 14:00:52 PST 2011

On Wed, 2011-03-02 at 22:13 +0100, Victor wrote:
> Hello, I'm Victor and I'm currently studying computers science in
> Spain. I'm looking for a topic for my final carreer project (that
> should start on september 2011 and finish on june 2012),  and it seems
> like a good excuse to contribute to the linux audio scene. So, what do
> you miss? let your imagination fly, from plugins(ladspa, lv2, vsti,
> nyquist...), virtual instruments.. to musical applications (chordata
> and bizarre things..), etc.   

A sequencer.  There isn't really anything that works well.

Why can't a modern PC run a sequencer with the power, flexibility,
ease-of-use and stability of an MMT-8?

Gordon MM0YEQ

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