[Ardour-Users] help needed to ascertain a MIDI design question

Devin Anderson devin at charityfinders.com
Sat Jun 11 12:17:21 PDT 2011

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Brett McCoy <idragosani at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
>> send your replies to the list, so that people can see when someone
>> else has already tried this with program XXXX.
> Rosegarden (11.06) will let you overlap the notes, but on playback,
> the second note is ignored (no "note on" event, I presume) and the
> first note stops where it is supposed to.

Are you sure that the second note on event is being ignored by
Rosegarden?  It could be that the application/plugin/device that
Rosegarden is sending notes to is ignoring the second note-on event.

Devin Anderson
devin (at) charityfinders (dot) com

CharityFinders - http://www.charityfinders.com/
synthclone - http://synthclone.googlecode.com/

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