[Ardour-Users] CPU usage of plugins in empty tracks

Brett Clark brett.clark at zirous.com
Tue Jul 13 05:52:40 PDT 2010

I usually 'freeze' the track.  If you right-click on the track itself, there
is a 'freeze' option that processes the track (like a bounce) but leaves it
in place.  This way you arent spending CPU cycles processing plugins on
something that is only a small part of the entire song. The downside to this
is that occasionally there is a plugin that doesnt like being froze, but for
the most part ive had good luck with it.

Another option you could look into is to route all your rhythm tracks to a
bus, and then run the plugin on the bus instead of the individual tracks.
This doesnt work if each track needs its own individual plugin tweaks, but
if a plugin can be globalized then this is a way to do it.



On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Roberto Suarez Soto <talkingxouba at gmail.com
> wrote:

> El día Tue, 13 Jul 2010 07:44:24 -0400, Thomas Vecchione
> <seablaede at gmail.com> escribía:
> > >        My question is: if I apply some effect plugins in those tracks,
> do
> > > they consume CPU in the "empty" parts? Or just in the parts that have
> > > sound recorded?
> > Yes they do, since they are always running, during the empty parts they
> are
> > still processing, even if it is only processing silence.  This is very
> > intentional as some plugins such as reverb demand to be running long
> after
> > the source clip has finished to get the proper tail, etc.
>         Aha, I understand. It makes sense. Then, what's the proper way of
> handling this? Downmixing to a "tape" track and then applying the effects
> to
> that?
>        Thanks,
> --
>    Roberto Suarez Soto                    I need a hurricane
>                                         To wash my sins away
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