[Ardour-Users] trouble connecting Saffire pro 24

James Rich james at chowhouse.com
Wed Feb 10 11:20:52 PST 2010

On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, Jared Davidson wrote:

> I am having a problem connecting my Saffire Pro 24 to Ardour via Mac os 
> 10.6.2 firewire.  I am running Saffire Pro 24 into the firewire of my 
> Mac Mini (os 10.6.2) Ardour isn't recognizing any inputs from my Saffire 
> Pro 24.  What am I doing wrong?

I've been helping Jared with this and I can verify that he is using jack. 
We think we've correctly set jack to use the Saffire, but ardour still 
doesn't get any signal.  At first we were only seeing the built-in inputs 
and outputs, but once we set jack to use the Saffire we saw all the 
ins/outs we expected.  But still no signal.

James Rich

This is just in: Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
 		-- melikamp on /.

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