[Ardour-Users] New Features Summary for 3.0

Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings at stackingdwarves.net
Wed Dec 15 16:25:48 PST 2010

On 12/15/2010 08:46 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
> Just to give people something to look forward to besides, well, "holidays" ....
>      http://ardour.org/a3_features

well, talk is cheap :)
so i synced my ardour3 tree, which had been gathering dust for a while.


this is really brilliant! i created a session containing a few audio and
midi tracks, and almost everything i tried worked just so! except it
hung on loading an old, pretty complicated a2 session, but i hadn't
really expected that to work...

it's all really intuitive - i dabble with a midi track, and of course it
only has midi outs. now i add a post-fader synth plugin (calf organ),
and presto! i get audio outs i can route to my master, and i'm hearing
some noise. lovely.

i'm especially happy to see that my ambisonic panners still work, so it
looks like the old unfathomable plugin routing magic hasn't been
abandoned altogether.

congratulations to paul and all other contributors!

2011 will be an ardour3 year for me i think. i'll be doing a classical
recording this week, and while tracking will certainly happen in a2, i
think i'll try a3 for post.

many thanks to you all, and a relaxing holiday season,


Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio), Elektrofachkraft
Audio and event engineer - Ambisonic surround recordings


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