[Ardour-Users] regarding reverse issues...

Axel Müller axel-mueller-74 at web.de
Sat Sep 5 05:55:20 PDT 2009

Am Sat, 05 Sep 2009 08:25:35 -0400 schrieb Paul Davis:

> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Axel Müller<axel-mueller-74 at web.de>
> wrote:
>> Regarding those reverse issues that popped up lately...
>> Wouldn't it be possible to simply set a reverse flag to a region and
>> play the audio backwards from disk in realtime instead of creating a
>> new audio file? Wouldn't this possibly solve or simplify some of those
>> issues (except maybe things like waveform creation or bounce
>> operations)?
> i'm not aware of any issues that were raised with reverse. did i miss
> something.

I was referring to 3 reports recently posted on mantis, but on a closer 
look at least 2 of them seem related to 3.0.

> reading the file backwards from the disk is complex. its not going to
> happen any time soon.

I wasn't sure how difficult it would be to implement on a per region 
basis and wich other operations would have to be adjusted to it. So no 
problem - just an idea... :)

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