[Ardour-Users] Overdrive artifacts after export

Carlo Capocasa theman at carlocapocasa.com
Wed Sep 2 13:18:26 PDT 2009

Hey Thomas!

Thanks for your help.

> The second part of that says that the problem is in your 
> player/reproduction chain, not in the file.  Distortion from clipped 
> digital audio would not 'dissappear' when the volume is turned down, 
> they would still be there, just at a lower volume along with the rest of 
> the sound.

Yes, that was it. How silly.

> You can check this by the way using the sndfile-info command line 
> program, which will tell you the volume of the loudest part of the sound 
> file(Peak Volume).

That, on the other hand, makes the silly question worthwhile. Thanks!


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