[Ardour-Users] bounce

Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings at stackingdwarves.net
Tue Sep 1 07:39:27 PDT 2009

Axel Müller wrote:
> Am Tue, 01 Sep 2009 15:59:10 +0200 schrieb Jörn Nettingsmeier:
>> ok. thanks. just to make sure i understand:
>> "consolidate" operates on selected regions.
> No, it doesn't work on selected regions (would be nice if that worked, 
> too), but on a range selection (from the context menu of the selected 
> range). And BTW there are two versions of "consolidate" - one that 
> consolidates the regions "raw" (only including crossfades and region 
> gain) and a second that includes plugins and Fader as well.

thanks for the clarification.

checking this, i realize that i was wrong here, too:

> "bounce" operates on tracks.

bounce operates on selected regions, and re-records them into new regions.

Jörn Nettingsmeier

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik

Audio and event engineer
Ambisonic surround recordings

+49 177 7937487

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