[Ardour-Users] opening 3 channel file on a 4 channel track

e deleflie edeleflie at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 17:02:51 PDT 2009

thanks Jörn,

> i think you can't turn this off too easily. it happens automatically.
> the reasoning seems to be that if you dump a mono file into a stereo
> track, it does the logical thing and sounds like a signal in the middle.n.

ah ... darn. So Ardour isn't totally liberated from stereo thinking...
(still much better than other DAWs I guess).

I think my preferred solution is to have 4 tracks where the fourth one
is an empty one. (i.e. I'll just add an empty track to all my 3
channel ones).

I'm just testing before moving onto mixing 3rd order periphonic with
3rd order horizontal (9 empty channels out of 16).. so there's going
to be lots of empty channels (I'd rather not re-route).


> however, i'd also prefer if ardour set it to silence rather than
> duplicating the preceding channel. (btw, the same happens when a plugin
> produces less outputs than there are channel outs, and i'd also prefer
> silence in that case).
> maybe someone in the know can explain the rationale of this behaviour?
> the cleanest solution would be to have 3 and 4ch tracks separate. you
> can then route them onto a 4ch bus and apply all common effects etc. in
> that bus. if you route a 3ch track into a 4ch bus, you have full control
> about which channel goes where, via the output edit dialog.
> hth,
> jörn
> --
> Jörn Nettingsmeier
> Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik
> Audio and event engineer
> Ambisonic surround recordings
> http://stackingdwarves.net
> +49 177 7937487

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