[Ardour-Users] best installation of ardour

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Oct 1 07:35:59 PDT 2009

Michael Neumeier wrote:
> On the other side, I am still searching for a better distro, because 
> Ubuntu Studio is using the Ubuntu repositories by default - and to 
> tell you the truth, I found quite some tools that do not have to be 
> installed in a studio area imho. 64 Studio could be a solution, but 
> this only exists for 64 bit (as fart as I know) and I decided to run 
> in 32 bit mode (although I have a 64bit CPU in the PC), because of 
> some reasons that were mentioned by Ralf Mardorf. So if any of you 
> know another finished studio distro, please let us know. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Dennis

Hi Dennis :)

By hearsay 64 Studio should be much better than Ubuntu Studio.

64 Studio is available for x86_64 and x86 architecture. I chose 64bit 
because of the advantages 64bit architecture has got by it's nature. 
Okay, if I wish to lightscribe a media, I need to reboot into another 
Linux installation, but this is my choice, there is a 32bit version too, 
http://www.64studio.com/download, you should check out 3.0-beta3, 
because it's stable and 2.1 is much too old. IIRC for this beta there's 
still a bug when using Ardour, you need to edit| /etc/security/limits.conf.

By default it's:

@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock 2000000
@audio - nice -10

But I guess it should be:

@audio   -  rtprio     99
@audio   -  memlock    unlimited

Ardour needs the unlimited memlock and I guess nice is useless anyway, dunno, you can keep nice. I didn't change limits.conf, but because Ardour 2.x doesn't include a sequencer, I'm not using it yet.


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