[Ardour-Users] Ardour MIDI Kludge (AMK)

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Nov 8 18:36:10 PST 2009

Carlo Capocasa wrote:
>It would be nice to know if it compiles under other distributions

1. 64 Studio 3.0-beta3 (based on Hardy)

spinymouse-sudo at 64studio:~$ jackd -Rc h -dalsa -dhw:0 -r96000 -p512 -n2
jackdmp 1.9.3

spinymouse-sudo at 64studio:/root/amk$ uname -rvm #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Sun Nov 8 23:44:41 CET 2009 x86_64
spinymouse-sudo at 64studio:/root/amk$ ls amk -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 spinymouse-sudo audio 94903 2009-11-09 02:46 amk
spinymouse-sudo at 64studio:/root/amk$ ./amk

amk was shown by QjackCtl, there were no messages when compiling and no
messages when running amk, I didn't launch Ardour

2. openSUSE 11.2 RC 1

spinymouse11.2 at suse11-2:~> jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r96000 -p512 -n2 -Xseq
jackdmp 1.9.3

spinymouse11.2 at suse11-2:~/amk> uname -rvm #1 SMP PREEMPT 2009-10-26 15:49:03 +0100 x86_64
spinymouse11.2 at suse11-2:~/amk> ls amk -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 spinymouse11.2 audio 98903 2009-11-09 03:18 amk
spinymouse11.2 at suse11-2:~/amk> ./amk

amk was shown by QjackCtl, there were no messages when compiling and no
messages when running amk, I didn't launch Ardour

It seems to be fine with 64 Studio 3.0-beta3 and Suse 11.2 RC 1 :). I've
got no time to test it with Ardour.


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