[Ardour-Users] very big latencies..

Sampsa Riikonen sampsa.riikonen at iki.fi
Tue Mar 17 09:13:43 PDT 2009

Hello again,

And thank you very much for your quick replies!

Some additional info:

- I am running suse 11.0, 64-bit.
- My ardour version is 2.5

Anyway, now I uninstalled the latest version of jack and 
reinstalled the v. 0.109 from the suse repos.

I think the problem is that if I install manually
the latest jack version, something is left somewhere
(there is always some hazzle with the library names
between different distros and architectures) and
I get that error message about different protocol
versions.. maybe that is the problem, not sure though..

But now I am trying to do a completely different thing.

Frank suggested that I install the realtime kernel as he had
the same problem with very long xruns.
Well, I did just that, but now I still have an issue with the nvidia graphics 

There are instructions here for my distro..


But I am a bit baffled, which nvidia modules I should install and posted a 
question at this forum..


I will start experimenting and installing different packages but if anyone
has done the same before, I'd appreciate a clue.



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