[Ardour-Users] Could this solve Ardour's financial headache?

Jamie McLaughlin j.mclaughlin at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Jan 8 08:49:59 PST 2009

> Sorry to have to keep clarifying this point - but free downloads would
> still
> be available.  You'd only have to pay if you wanted to access the code
> using
> SVN (and even then, it would be a small fee, payable only once).  If you
> chose not to pay the fee you could still obtain the latest release,
> together
> with its source code for free.  Your only problem would be that if
> something's been improved in the s/ware, you'd need to wait for the next
> official release.  That's the price you pay for saving your $35.

I'm aware of what you are proposing. I could perhaps have phrased this
more explicitly: "I would be completely against a model where you had to
pay to download *anything*, even if other distribution channels are
available". This is because, as I explained, downloading the software is
precisely what we want people to do. In my opinion, creating any
barriers which discourage people from downloading Ardour would be
counter-productive, be it in the form of binary packages, source
packages, or from SVN.

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