[Ardour-Users] Brand new translation of Ardour into spanish released for testing!
Pablo Enrici
pabloenrici at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 12:20:09 PST 2009
Ardour's Spanish translation team is delighted to announce a test
release of a brand new and nearly complete translation of Ardour into
Spanish, after 10 days of frenzied activity.
If you don't know what ardour is, and you create music, see
http://www.ardour.org for more information about this program.
We would like comments from as many Spanish speakers as possible,
before we commit to using it in future releases of Ardour. Translation
from one language to another is always a tricky process, and musical
terminology - despite music "being the universal language" - varies
wildly between cultures.
Feedback from first time users of Ardour is very desirable. Our
hope is to appeal to the broadest number of possible users. As veteran
Ardour users we do not necessarily understand the problems new users face.
Please note that this initial translation is "Spanish from Spain" and
Latin American users can encounter strange words like "ordenador" instead of
"computadora". Local terminology will be respected in the official release
of ardour, but you might want to help us get it right!
Feedback from experienced Protools, Cubase, Muse, Nuendo, and Audition
professionals is also highly desired.
You do not need to recompile Ardour to make use of this beta
translation. You do need to install Ardour via the normal mechanism that
your distribution provides.
Any version of Ardour later than 2.4.0 should work, but please use 2.7.0
or later for best results. The translation works perfectly with
2.0-ongoing and mostly works with ardour 3.
At present, this translation is for Ardour on Linux only. We have no way
to produce a binary message catalog for OSX, nor do we know how to get
it working with the default dmg file. (help, anyone?).
1) A read only copy of the git tree can be obtained via git via:
git clone git://teklibre.com/home/git/traducciones/ardour.git
This contains source and binary copies of the most recent translations and
a simple means of installing them on your system. You can also compile and
install (and test!) your own translation if you have the "gettext"
tools installed.
2) Tarball
A tarball containing the source and binary copies of the most recent
Ardour translations can downloaded from:
It has a simple means of installing them on your system.
If you would prefer to just review the mapping of the English phrases to
Spanish, a version is available on the web at:
If you got the tarball, extract it via:
tar xvzf ardour-latest.tgz
if you got the git tree, or have extracted the tarball...
cd ardour
Many Linux distributions are configured for a given locale (es_AR, or
es_NI for example) and do not fall back to es_ES (European Spanish) when
a package has no local translation, instead falling back to English.
For most people, this is incorrect behavior that we hope to compensate for
in the next release.
To run ardour, with our translation, from the terminal, use:
LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 ardour2 &
Running ardour in both English and Spanish at the same time is very
useful, particularly if you are an experienced user that wants
to critique the word choices used. To do that, you can just run a second
copy of Ardour in english with:
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ardour2 &
DO NOT EDIT the same file using the two versions of ardour at the same time!
For more suggestions on how to correctly handle your dialect, read the
SETTING_YOUR_LANGUAGE_VARIABLE.en file contained in your downloaded copy
of this translation.
Instant messaging: The translation team meets in irc, on
irc.freenode.org, in the #ardour-translate channel.
Bug tracker: http://tracker.ardour.org/view.php?id=2565
Email List: traductores at teklibre.com
You can sign up for this list at:
IRC is the fastest and most productive way to discuss issues with the
The ardour-users at lists.ardour.org email list is the most popular ardour list,
however the majority of users are presently english-speaking. You can
sign up for that list at: http://lists.ardour.org/
Ardour also has a useful web based forum at: http://www.ardour.org/forums
There are several coding related "fit and finish" problems being
addressed on ardour's bug tracker, mostly due to the length of certain
phrases, with patches that can be applied to the 2.0-ongoing branch of
ardour. See: http://tracker.ardour.org/view.php?id=2566
These improve the presentation of several drop down menus.
We are aware that several of our translations of key ardour concepts and
phrases may be controversial.
Pablo Enrici and Pablo Fernandez did the bulk of work and the most
tricky translations.
David Taht and Angel Bidinost got the project to a state of "plausible
promise". Dave also provided technical support to the rest of the team.
Oscar Valladerdez, Giovanni Martinez, Josue Moreno, and Daniel Vidal
contributed valuable feedback.
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