[Ardour-Users] non-active track still read from disk?

francis keyes fkeymo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 16:20:55 PST 2008

Hi All,

Is there a version of Ardour 2 available in which audio tracks, when
deactivated, will not be read from the disk on playback?
Right now I am using ardour2-2.1-1.fc7.ccrma
I have a huge session with lots of tracks but I don't need to hear all the
tracks at once.  I am having a hard time playing the session because "The
disk on my system can't keep up with Ardour."
I can solve this problem by deactivating (right-click on the track and
un-check Active) AND muting the audio regions in the tracks I'm not using.
Having to mute all the regions in a deactivated track seems redundant and is
a pain in the neck.  Is this the way Ardour is supposed to work?  Is it
"fixed" in a newer version?

Thanks a lot,
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