[Ardour-Users] Play button fails me - transport doesn't start

Gregory Jones skripto at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 17:56:17 PDT 2008

I keep pushing the play button but nothing happens.

I saw the post from the 12th and thought that someone was posting my
problem. I'm not running a Virtual Machine however and I don't have any
xruns that I can find - which I would expect with the utilization running as
low as it is...but nothing happens when I push the play button. I don't see
any movement in the Editor window when I speak into the mike and the
transport never moves. The weirdest thing is that once on my second or third
try I managed to record a single track and play it back a couple of times.
The next morning I tried to play it but the play button wouldn't work and I
couldn't add another track. That was a month ago and I still haven't seen
the transport move since. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it!

I'm a computing professional with Unix and Linux experience but not much
knowledge of Ubuntu, a semi-pro musician, and a digital recording novice.
Thought it might help to know.

I'm sure that I missed something but here are some of the specifics about my

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
3Gb Ram

presonus firepod 24bit/96k
Shure SM57 plugged into first port with Phantom power
Fire wire port is Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A IEEE1394a-2000

root at Tlaloc:~# uname -a
Linux Tlaloc 2.6.22-14-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Dec 18 06:37:06 UTC 2007
x86_64 GNU/Linux

Messages from qjackctl after being started in verbose mode:

15:57:02.169 Patchbay deactivated.
15:57:02.183 Statistics reset.
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
15:57:02.281 MIDI connection graph change.
15:57:02.428 MIDI connection change.
15:57:55.578 Startup script...
15:57:55.578 artsshell -q terminate
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
can't create mcop directory
Creating link /home/skripto/.kde/socket-Tlaloc.
15:57:56.160 Startup script terminated with exit status=256.
15:57:56.160 JACK is starting...
15:57:56.161 /usr/bin/jackd -v -dfreebob -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n3 -D
15:57:56.165 JACK was started with PID=5689 (0x1639).
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib64/jack/jack_freebob.so
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib64/jack/jack_alsa.so
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib64/jack/jack_dummy.so
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib64/jack/jack_oss.so
jackd 0.103.0
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
server `default' registered
loading driver ..
Enhanced3DNow! detected
SSE2 detected
Freebob using Firewire port 0, node -1
showDevice: not implemented
15:57:57.450 MIDI connection graph change.
FreeBoB MSG: Register MIDI IN port dev1c_MidiIn
FreeBoB MSG: Register MIDI OUT port dev1p_MidiOut
FreeBoB MSG: Streaming thread running without Realtime scheduling
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 1+2 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 1+2 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 3+4 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 3+4 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 5+6 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 5+6 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 7+8 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_LineIn 7+8 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_SpdifIn left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering capture port dev1c_SpdifIn right
FreeBoB MSG: Don't register capture port dev1c_MidiIn
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 1+2 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 1+2 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 3+4 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 3+4 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 5+6 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 5+6 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 7+8 left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_LineOut 7+8 right
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_SpdifOut left
FreeBoB MSG: Registering playback port dev1p_SpdifOut right
FreeBoB MSG: Don't register playback port dev1p_MidiOut
FreeBoB MSG: MIDI threads running without Realtime scheduling
registered builtin port type 32 bit float mono audio
registered builtin port type 8 bit raw midi
clock source = system clock via clock_gettime
new client: freebob_pcm, id = 1 type 1 @ 0x62bc10 fd = -1
new buffer size 1024
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 1+2 left, offset = 4096
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 1+2 right, offset = 8192
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 3+4 left, offset = 12288
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 3+4 right, offset = 16384
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 5+6 left, offset = 20480
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 5+6 right, offset = 24576
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 7+8 left, offset = 28672
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 7+8 right, offset = 32768
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_SpdifIn left, offset = 36864
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1c_SpdifIn right, offset = 40960
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 left, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 right, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 3+4 left, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 3+4 right, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 5+6 left, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 5+6 right, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 7+8 left, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 7+8 right, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_SpdifOut left, offset = 0
registered port freebob_pcm:dev1p_SpdifOut right, offset = 0
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
-- jack_rechain_graph()
FreeBoB MSG: MIDI queue thread started
libiec61883 warning: Established connection on channel 0.
You may need to manually set the channel on the receiving node.
libiec61883 warning: Established connection on channel 1.
You may need to manually set the channel on the transmitting node.
5689 waiting for signals
15:57:57.581 MIDI connection change.
15:57:58.199 Server configuration saved to "/home/skripto/.jackdrc".
15:57:58.204 Statistics reset.
15:57:58.208 Client activated.
15:57:58.213 Audio connection change.
15:57:58.228 Audio connection graph change.
new client: qjackctl-5643, id = 2 type 2 @ 0x2aaaac575000 fd = 15
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=14, execution_order=1 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
Enhanced3DNow! detected
SSE2 detected
load = 0.8695 max usecs: 371.000, spare = 20962.000
load = 1.2598 max usecs: 352.000, spare = 20981.000
load = 1.4151 max usecs: 335.000, spare = 20998.000
load = 1.5396 max usecs: 355.000, spare = 20978.000
load = 1.5667 max usecs: 340.000, spare = 20993.000
. (skipping a hudred of these load messages)
load = 2.0438 max usecs: 409.000, spare = 20924.000
load = 1.7086 max usecs: 293.000, spare = 21040.000
load = 1.5926 max usecs: 315.000, spare = 21018.000
load = 1.3869 max usecs: 252.000, spare = 21081.000
load = 1.3732 max usecs: 290.000, spare = 21043.000
(Starting Ardour2 - see output below)
17:51:39.591 MIDI connection graph change.
17:51:39.716 MIDI connection change.
new client: ardour, id = 3 type 2 @ 0x2aaaac576000 fd = 18
polling sync client 3
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
17:51:41.159 Audio connection graph change.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
registered port ardour:click/out 1, offset = 45056
17:52:31.548 Audio connection graph change.
connect ardour:click/out 1 and freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 left (output)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
registered port ardour:master/in 1, offset = 0
registered port ardour:master/in 2, offset = 0
registered port ardour:master/out 1, offset = 49152
connect ardour:master/out 1 and freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 left (output)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
registered port ardour:master/out 2, offset = 53248
connect ardour:master/out 2 and freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 right (output)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
17:52:31.597 Audio connection change.
17:52:31.615 Audio connection graph change.
registered port ardour:auditioner/out 1, offset = 57344
connect ardour:auditioner/out 1 and freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 left
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
registered port ardour:auditioner/out 2, offset = 61440
connect ardour:auditioner/out 2 and freebob_pcm:dev1p_LineOut 1+2 right
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
17:52:31.800 Audio connection change.
17:52:41.032 Audio connection graph change.
registered port ardour:Audio 1/in 1, offset = 0
registered port ardour:Audio 1/out 1, offset = 65536
registered port ardour:Audio 1/out 2, offset = 69632
connect freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 1+2 left and ardour:Audio 1/in 1 (forward)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
connect ardour:Audio 1/out 1 and ardour:master/in 1 (self)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
connect ardour:Audio 1/out 2 and ardour:master/in 2 (self)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
17:52:41.053 Audio connection change.
clear connections for ardour:Audio 1/in 1
DIS-connect freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 1+2 left and ardour:Audio 1/in 1
17:53:06.512 Audio connection graph change.
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
clear connections for ardour:Audio 1/out 1
DIS-connect ardour:Audio 1/out 1 and ardour:master/in 1
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
clear connections for ardour:Audio 1/out 2
DIS-connect ardour:Audio 1/out 2 and ardour:master/in 2
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
17:53:06.613 Audio connection graph change.
17:53:11.286 Audio connection graph change.
registered port ardour:Audio 1/in 1, offset = 0
registered port ardour:Audio 1/out 1, offset = 69632
registered port ardour:Audio 1/out 2, offset = 65536
connect freebob_pcm:dev1c_LineIn 1+2 left and ardour:Audio 1/in 1 (forward)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
connect ardour:Audio 1/out 1 and ardour:master/in 1 (self)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client ardour: in subgraph after qjackctl-5643, execution_order=1.
client qjackctl-5643: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()
connect ardour:Audio 1/out 2 and ardour:master/in 2 (self)
++ jack_rechain_graph():
client freebob_pcm: internal client, execution_order=0.
client ardour: start_fd=5, execution_order=0.
client qjackctl-5643: in subgraph after ardour, execution_order=1.
client ardour: wait_fd=17, execution_order=2 (last client).
-- jack_rechain_graph()

skripto at Tlaloc:~$ /usr/bin/ardour2 &
skripto at Tlaloc:~$ WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of
locked memory!
This might cause Ardour to run out of memory before your system runs out of
memory. You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l', and it is normally
controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf
Ardour/GTK 2.0.5
   (built using 2234 and GCC version 4.1.3 20070805 (prerelease) (Ubuntu
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Paul Davis
Some portions Copyright (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson, Brett Viren, Joel

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the source for copying conditions.
loading default ui configuration file /etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui_default.conf
loading user ui configuration file /home/skripto/.ardour2/ardour2_ui.conf
Configuration::pack_canvasvars () called, canvas_colors.size() = 82
ardour: [INFO]: Loading ui configuration file
theme_init() called from internal clearlooks engine
loading system configuration file /etc/ardour2/ardour_system.rc
loading user configuration file /home/skripto/.ardour2/ardour.rc
ardour: [INFO]: No H/W specific optimizations in use
ardour: [INFO]: looking for control protocols in
ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Generic MIDI"
Unable to open "/dev/input/event0": Permission denied
Unable to open "/dev/input/event1": Permission denied
Unable to open "/dev/input/event2": Permission denied
Unable to open "/dev/input/event3": Permission denied
Unable to open "/dev/input/event4": Permission denied
Unable to open "/dev/input/event5": Permission denied
Unable to open "/dev/input/event6": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event7": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event8": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event9": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event10": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event11": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event12": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event13": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event14": No such file or directory
Unable to open "/dev/input/event15": No such file or directory
powermate: Opening of powermate failed - No such file or directory
ardour: [INFO]: Control protocol powermate not usable
ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Mackie"
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
Enhanced3DNow! detected
SSE2 detected
loading bindings from /home/skripto/.ardour2/ardour.bindings
Loading session /home/skripto/4thTest using snapshot 4thTest (2)
Loading history from '/home/skripto/4thTest/4thTest.history'.

Gregory Jones

Tolerably early in life I discovered that one of the unpardonable sins, in
the eyes of most people, is for a man to presume to go about unlabelled. The
world regards such a person as the police do an unmuzzled dog, not under
proper control. -Thomas Henry Huxley
-------------- next part --------------
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