[Ardour-Users] new import dialog

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Wed Sep 5 07:14:52 PDT 2007

On 9/5/07, Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:

> > The radio button group containing "Copy to ardour-native files" and
> > "Use files without copying" should just be a check box with a label
> > "Copy files to Session folder". I think this would also help reduce
> > the "fatness"/dead space at the bottom of the dialog a bit.
> I'll think about this a bit. There quite a lot more semantics to the
> choice, but it is possible that you're right here, and they do not need
> to be exposed to the user.

I think Tim's suggestion is the clearest.  Yeah, I know the hard-link
thing is the gray area, but the radio's don't illustrate that either.

> > - There is no volume control accessible from the dialog
> thats a fair point. i'm not sure what to do about that, given that
> auditioning in general does not have any visual controls outside of the
> preferences window.

There is no reason not to throw a fader/sliderbar in there for the
audition's gain.  This is MVC after all.

> > - There is no option to audition the file so that it sounds like it
> > would after it is imported and resampled(if the SR is different than
> > the session). There is an existing issue reported about this I think.
> We are not going to provide that, since the goal of import&resampling is
> to leave it unaltered as much as technically possible. Why would a user
> want to check that we did a good enough job?

It's not about checking our job, its about hearing how the file should
(and will) actually sound musically/pitch-wise.  Just doing varispeed
on the auditioner should be good enough.


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