[ardour-users] 'master' template...

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Tue May 8 06:03:35 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 14:03 +0200, Harold Aling wrote:
> Dear list,
> I'm an Ardour newbie and was wandering if Ardour has the capabilities
> to use a session/snapshot a sort of master template for all
> snapshots/'instances' to be able to change things globally...
> I'd very much like a system where I can set default tracks, busses and
> routing on one 'instance' and all other 'instances' follow that
> layout. This would be very handy if you are recording more than one
> song and don't want to do that in one large 'instance' or separate
> sessions.
> For example:
> I have created a template for the recording of 10 songs. I record
> those songs and later in the process I decide to route the guitars to
> different inputs on my analogue mixer. I now have to open each song
> and change the routing. It would be very cool if I can set such things
> globally across snapshots/'instances' of the same session.
> Is this possible in Ardour? Or am I asking a stupid question?
totally not possible, sorry. feel free to file it as a feature request.

operations that cross XML (session state) file boundaries are almost
non-existent in Ardour at this time. the only exception is that session
cleanup will scan every snapshot in the session folder to make sure we
don't inadvertently remove a file that is used in a different snapshot.


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