[ardour-users] Polarity switch in Ardour2?

John Rigg au at sound-man.co.uk
Fri May 4 12:14:55 PDT 2007

On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 09:51:26PM +0300, Sampo Savolainen wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 19:10 +0100, John Rigg wrote:
> > Probably a stupid question, but how do I reverse polarity in
> > Ardour2 mixer channel strip? There was a button in
> > 0.99 but I can't find the equivalent in Ardour2.
> No plugin needed. Click on the track name in the mixer strip and select
> "invert polarity".

Sampo and Don, thanks. I'll get there eventually.


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