[ardour-users] Ardour seeks new sponsors

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Fri Jan 12 07:21:13 PST 2007

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 15:57 +0100, Bengt Gördén wrote:
> fredag 12 januari 2007 15:46 skrev Christopher Boggs:
> > Augh, this is teh suck!  Conflict of interest??  I guess Ardour was
> > becoming competition for SSL in some way?
> I guess that SSL partners or their bigger customers see Ardour as a 
> competitor.

Obviously I am not privy to the internal details of why SSL made their
decision. But what I was told does not reflect this type of issue. SSL
is attempting to do a lot of things at the same time. Their resources
are finite, and in their judgment they have other ongoing projects that
need the funding that was going to Ardour.

> Is PayPal the preferred way to get funding? If it is, I need to start an 
> account.

Paypal is preferred because its simple for almost everyone. People with
an aversion to paypal have sent personal checks in the past. I can
provide information to anyone who needs it.


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