[ardour-users] ardour2 edit window size

Kevin Cosgrove kevinc at doink.com
Sat Feb 17 13:29:36 PST 2007


I'm running 2.0beta11.1 on Mandriva 2007.0, KDE 3.5.4 with my
display at 1024x728 (yeah, I know).  The editor window size will
not adjust in the horizontal direction, and I appear not to have
any way to get the window to fit within the dimensions of my
screen.  What can I do to make this better?  Yes, I'll work on
increasing the screen resolution by buying a newer monitor.  What
can I say, US$10 used monitors have their place.

For what it's worth, it's been a very long time since I had
a look at ardour2.  Wow!  I really like what it's become.
Marvelous.  I'll be doing some recording with it this afternoon.



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