[ardour-users] making connections from inside of ardour

Patrick Shirkey pshirkey at boosthardware.com
Thu Sep 28 07:51:21 PDT 2006

Paul Davis wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 21:13 +0700, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>> Sorry to waste bandwidth but does that have anything at all to do with 
>> the menu that Jack O'Quin and I developed for Jamin?
>> It is really effective and I have witnessed the same system in protools 
>> so it is basically an industry standard.
>> It is also designed for gtk2 and is too easy to integrate.
> nothing to do with it at all, AFAIK. its not a menu. its a matrix.
> inputs on one axis, outputs on the other. check out the Reaper site and
> read the manual. its a completely compelling model for configurations as
> complex as a DAW-running-via-JACK.


So, do you envisage any place for a simple drop down menu to assign 
i/o's in the ardour gui?

Possibly just a small extension to the right click menu...


Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
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