[ardour-users] can't find libjack

Nicola Mattei foxdalailama at gmail.com
Tue Sep 12 10:58:17 PDT 2006

2006/9/12, Aaron Mehl <aamehl at actcom.net.il>:
> Hi all,
> I checked out cvs and ardour compiled without any complaints. But on
> running ardour I get the error message:ardour: error while loading
> shared libraries: libjack-0.80.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file:
> No such file or directory
> I checked out svn of jack and it compiled and made without a problem.
> I don't however see libjack-0.80.0.so.0 must I create a link to get this
> working?

libjack-0.80.0 is quite old, so I think also the sources you're
compiling are old.
Recent versions of ardour use >= libjack-0.100.0
Grab the last cvs sources of ardour from
or the last stable release (0.99.3) from

> Or maybe I didn't create libjack at all??
> I am running ubuntu dapper, if it helps any.
> Thanks,
> Aaron

In dapper drake you have to install the jackd, libjack0.100.0-0 and
libjack0.100.0-0-dev and other deps (read http://ardour.org/building)
in order to compile ardour from sources.

Hope it help,

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