[ardour-users] rev992-crash when stopping transport while recording

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Wed Oct 18 20:07:21 PDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 04:59 +0200, Dragan Noveski wrote:
> hi to the list,
> i compiled ardour2-rev992 with fft=yes, vst=no and prefix=/usr, than i 
> recompiled using DBG=1 too.
> when i open a new session, create an audio track, connect it to some 
> source (i tried xmms) and start recording, ardour will crash everytime i 
> try to stop the recordig/transport/playhead.
> sometimes it just disappears, sometimes  it  gets "frozen"
> dont know if this is known issue, but i was able this time to produce 
> the backtrace, so here it is:

a useful trace, thanks. i am in the middle of debugging what appears to
be the same issue along with sampo. its a hard one to reproduce - sampo
can do it 100% of the time by just quitting ardour, i can't make it
happen ever. stay tuned for news.

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