[ardour-users] More Editing in ardour

Mat Wall-Smith mat at slashstarhash.com
Tue May 9 16:47:49 PDT 2006

Are these shortcuts listed somewhere?
Is it easy to remap the short cuts?
I have been using ctrl-x,v,c but they are a pain on the mac - figured  
there must be other ways.....or a way of mapping to alt/apple instead  
of ctrl...
Frustrated that I seem to have to hit ctrl-x to cut rather than just  
hitting delete.....

constantly moving from tools editing is still a bit of a headache on  
ardour - i am sure its just practice though.....


On 10/05/2006, at 9:12 AM, Jesse Chappell wrote:

> On 5/9/06, Michael Douglas Pearson <mpearson at novell.com> wrote:
>> How do I cut out a section of audio in ardour?  I can record fine  
>> but I
>> need to be able to pull out sections of voice where my client doesn't
>> say the right thing.  How do I do this?
> Another way to do it is to pick the Range mouse mode (right side of
> toolbar) and drag select the time range you want to remove, then do
> Cut (DEL or Ctrl-X or from the context menu).
> jlc
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Mat Wall-Smith
School of Media, Film and Theatre
The University of New South Wales

Mat Wall-Smith
School of Media, Film and Theatre
The University of New South Wales

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