[ardour-users] error bulding ardour2-713

Dragan Noveski perodog at gmx.net
Sat Jul 29 07:19:29 PDT 2006

thanks a lot for the support, with the mv command ardour2 builds again.
i was interested if the strange issue on my machine (not being able to 
make connections from the mixer strip input/output window) will change, 
so i am trying almost every day the new svn.

unfortunately the input/output window is still behaving like dead, so i 
will go on and try "svn switch".

many, many thanks for support,

Jesse Chappell wrote:
> But at this time I can't recommend you building the latest SVN because
> it is in a somewhat inconsistent state, with several issues that we
> know about.  If you really need to have ardour2 now, we suggest using
> the tags/prercu  branch.  To convert your existing checkout use the
> following svn command from inside the ardour2 dir:
>  svn switch  http://subversion.ardour.org/svn/ardour2/tags/prercu
> At a later date when the trunk is better suited for user testing, you
> can switch back by using
> svn switch http://subversion.ardour.org/svn/ardour2/trunk .
> jlc

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