[ardour-users] connections window on ardour2

Dragan Noveski perodog at gmx.net
Thu Jul 13 17:13:07 PDT 2006

i also do with 99.2, and i did with some earlier versions of ardour2, 
but since revision 678?

well, what i am doing is very simple:
starting ardour2-open track-open mixer-click on track input- window 
appears showing available  connections.
now left-click on (by example) alsaplayer-out1, and nothing happens?
the little "input" window is like dead.
the same behavior  for the track output window and for the track/bus 

is there someone else out there who has this  problem?

Paul Davis wrote:
> i make connections with this window all the time. you'd better describe
> what you're doing in a lot more detail.

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