[ardour-users] Tracks/Busses different pan law?

Wolfgang Woehl tito at rumford.de
Sun Feb 12 02:56:09 PST 2006

Wolfgang Woehl <tito at rumford.de>:
> Hi, could it be that Ardour's stereo tracks don't follow
> the same pan law as Ardour's stereo busses (Master bus in
> this case)? I'm downmixing sessions to a stereo track (from
> Master bus' outs) within the session, compare and find the
> downmix to be lower in volume. About 3db lower.

Duh, ignore me. I'm stumbling over 1 of my 4 feet. What I did 
was take back the master fader for the session to peak at 
-0.3db, downmix that into a stereo track (which then peaks to 
-0.3db with its fader at 0) but listen to it through the 
master fader still at the lower level.


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