[ardour-users] Version99.1 vs 2

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Mon Feb 6 17:08:17 PST 2006

On 2/6/06, Stephen Falk <sdfalk at telus.net> wrote:
> Funny thing..
> I'm able to run the (Alpha??) version of Ardour 2
> that was posted here awhile back and still
> no real joy with Ardour .99.
> Crashes before it opens.
> Version 2 opens, let's me start a session,
> record, edit.. it crashes, but it works.
> OSX.4.4
> Single G5/1.8ghz
> 4gb of ram
> Motu 2408mk3.

Hey, the problem might be different this time.  Could you post the
output from console.log (using Console, as before)  and if you get a
crash-log post that too.  If you don't want to spam the list with it,
send to osx-support at ardour.org.

Your feedback is important!   Note that we'll be building a Tiger
optimized build (from the same machine that brought you the ardour2
test release) soon.


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