[ardour-users] Top Level Mode

Esben Stien b0ef at esben-stien.name
Tue Oct 4 16:10:11 PDT 2005

Andrew Johnston <andy.j at cornerstone.edu.au> writes:

> I did a search to find out how to link all of the windows together
> when i minimize the GIMP and you can't and then found out there were
> thousands of others who had the same frustration!!

Easy, just use devils pie. In any case, I never minimize; I just never
see a need to minimize or maximize anything.

On the other hand, this is the fault of the application itself,
because it does not implement it as an option (which is bad), but
ardour is free to do it. 

The same with the always on top feature; it's not the window managers

An integrated work area is the epitome, in my humble opinion, the
worst of UI design;). (hehe). 

> i put ardour in its own workspace 

Workspaces are extremely bad, in my opinion;). Because of the way I
work, I find no use for them at all.

Esben Stien is b0ef at e     s      a             
         http://www. s     t    n m
          irc://irc.  b  -  i  .   e/%23contact
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